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180 Slim on Let's Talk Gospel

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This Uplifted Me

Published on Jan 5, 2024
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all right all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome welcome to another episode of let's talk gospel right here on mental impact radio tonight tonight tonight man man man first off you know you know we gotta welcome in our bro birdie what's good brody birdie what's happening big bro how you feeling man
Feeling well, man.
I'm feeling well.
Cannot complain whatsoever, brother.
Just happy to be here another night, man.
Be here another night, definitely.
I've been excited about this one, man.
I'm excited about a lot of our interviews and everything.
definitely excited about um having this brother on man i've been listening to his music not a long long time but you know for for a little while now i've been listening to his music and everything and um especially he he's a um he's a brother that rocks with um rocks with sick of sin
real tight so that's okay how i came across him because sick of sin was on one of his songs and i believe it was the first time i heard it his brother i believe the track was play church i believe it was play church that was the first first time i heard him and i was like man hold on who is this 180 slim so
so yeah so ever since then yeah definitely been rocking to his music listening to him seeing what he's doing so without further ado ladies and gentlemen 180 slim is in the building how you feeling bro yo i'm good man i'm blessed i can't complain at all bro just a blessing and a privilege and an honor to be on the show with you guys brother yeah man we appreciate you being here brody
Oh, man, I'm just trying to, hey, I'm just all about the kingdom, bro, and all about my father's business, bro, so whatever that entails, bro, I'm with it.
I'm going to show up regardless.
We're definitely happy to have you here, man, so we can go ahead and get this rocked in, get this started off real quick here.
Let the folks know a little bit about yourself and where you're from, bro.
Yeah, yeah.
So, look, 180 Slim, uh,
My mother named me Calvin.
And I'll tell you how I got that name.
But man, I'm just a fella from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Just experienced some things in my life that caused me to realize that God had his hands on me.
And I realized that I had a purpose for being on earth.
I have three kids.
I have two daughters.
I have a son.
both of my parents living, you know, uh, wasn't raised in a church, you know, like I went to church, but I wasn't just raised up in a, with that, with the word of God, you know, I didn't find, God didn't find me until later on, you know, but, uh, man, I'm just a fellow that I was like to say, I'm, I'm, I'm a man at the God's own heart.
You know, I'm just, I'm just trying to do what God called me to do in these last days, brother.
four to two years old, you know what I'm saying?
So I've been, I done seen some things, you know, in my four to two years, you know?
So yeah, it's just all glory be to God.
Amen, amen.
That's what's happening, man.
I don't even know which way we really want to go ahead and start this thing because this brother's testimony is like something serious, man, for real, for real, something serious.
So, Birdie, I'm going to go ahead and let you jump on in there, bro.
Yeah, I know how we can start it since bro is from the neck of the woods or whatever, stuff like that.
So I'm going to ask this question, man.
You're from Louisiana, and the Saints, my team, man, can we make the playoffs this year, bro?
Can we make the playoffs this year, man?
Hey, look, the thing is, bro, can we go all the way, bro?
I think we can make it, bro.
I think we can make it.
Hey, I'm trying to see it go all the way again, bro.
It's kind of tight, though.
I ain't going to lie.
Yeah, it look rough, bro.
It look rough, man.
We're going to have to talk more about that offline, man.
I figured that was a good opener.
So, man, look.
So, bro handed around with your testimony, man.
So, let's get into that, bro.
Like, what led you to Christ, bro?
huh man where do i start i pray and there's the holy spirit lord lord just leave me and say what i need to say because there's so much to be seen with that with that question but um i i want to start man um when i was i would say like when i was 14 years old you know uh i started smoking marijuana you know just friendly you know just trying to be down you know
and the peer pressure started off as a fun thing.
And that turned into alcohol, you know what I'm saying?
Then it turned into cocaine, snorted cocaine, 18 years old, just graduated high school.
You know, I'm just doing what all the youngsters do, you know what I'm saying?
And I had got engulfed in that stuff, man.
I was, you know, in the street life, I was amazed with it.
You know, the songs to the rap lyrics, rap songs we grew up listening to, you know,
I wanted to become those lyrics.
I became those lyrics.
You know what I'm saying?
I was following all my cues from gangster rap, you know, drug induced music, whatever.
You know, I was just with all of that, bro.
And, you know, I looked as I looked around when I first got, you know, started with the cocaine and everything.
And I realized, look, and I seen how it took me.
And I had my other buddies around me and they was able to do it.
And they was just able to have fun with it.
You know what I'm saying?
But they got to the point where, now I want to stick people up.
I want to rob you.
I want to steal from you.
You know, I'm just turning into this evil person.
You know what I'm saying?
My mama, he raised me to be.
And I know God didn't create me to be that person either.
You know what I'm saying?
So I just, I got out of my body and I realized they was able to do it.
And I couldn't.
And I was in and out.
I started going in and out of rehab at the age of 18 years old.
Now I'm supposed to, I done graduated high school by the grace of God.
Wasn't supposed to graduate without God opened the door for me to go to a secondary school.
They caught me up and I graduated.
I'm supposed to be in college, but now I'm out here.
I'm in rehab.
And I was in rehab after rehab.
None of it worked.
By the time I got 19,
It's like my dad had to, you know, he was fed up with me.
Moms, you know what I'm saying?
I had to move back and forth to different states, you know what I'm saying?
Just because I haven't gotten so much trouble, you know?
But when I started doing this now, my mom had a knowledge of God, but she wasn't all the way saved.
Well, when I got bad off on drugs, my mama turned up for the Lord.
She turned up for the Lord and we,
We always thought my mama was a psychic.
She had dreams and stuff before, you know, she gave her life to Christ.
We found out that was just a gift.
The gifts and the colors of God are without repentance.
So God had his hand on her too.
So she started having dreams about what I was doing.
And she used to come to me and she'd tell me, God showed me.
I saw a Coke bottle in my dreams, for instance.
She said, I saw a Coke bottle.
She said, you doing Coke?
I'm like, nah, I'm denying it.
Well, the next day she found the straw in a bag.
You know what I'm saying?
Found out I was doing the code.
So it got so bad to the point where I was like, nothing else working.
And she kept telling me about Jesus.
Kept telling me this, that, and the other.
You know what I'm saying?
Jesus is going to save you.
Jesus is going to save you.
You know what I mean?
You just got to cry out to him.
She told me about fasting.
So one time I fasted for a whole day, no food.
I was hungry.
I was like, my mama telling me about God.
I want to find out for myself.
Come on.
Prayed all that day.
No food.
You know what I'm saying?
So that night, I was in the bed and I was trying to go to sleep.
It was like 3 a.m.
I had to go to work for 6 a.m.
Just started a new job.
My prayer was, God, if you're a real God, show me that you're real like you showed my mama.
Like, I want to know.
And I'm just petitioning God.
This is how I'm coming at them all day.
It's the only thing I was praying.
My body went in convulsions.
I didn't go, I didn't fall asleep.
I went into this trance.
Like when I was laying in the bed, my body started shaking violently.
I was like, God, why you let me?
Like, what's going on?
It's like this peace came over me and I knew it was God in the room for some reason.
So I started doing it again.
And I was like, God, please let me go to sleep.
I gotta go to work.
Gotta work.
And then
chill for a minute, started shaking again.
This was like something supernatural.
Next time you know, I heard, shut up.
I am your rock.
I never knew that God said that he calls himself a rock in the Bible.
You know what I'm saying?
When I had this vision.
I went into a trance in this vision.
I saw myself in the street preaching to my homeboys, you know what I'm saying?
The dudes that's in the streets, you know, the drug dealers, the thugs, all of that.
And I kept saying, pointing to my tattoo.
My tattoo, I got prayer hands.
Like, if I could do what y'all can too, this is what changed me.
This is what changed me.
You know what I'm saying?
So it's like God was showing me in advance that he was calling me to minister, to people that relate to me, the stuff that I was going through.
I never thought I'd be a preacher.
That never crossed my mind.
You know, then he showed me somebody offering me cocaine in a dream.
And I told him, nah, I live for Jesus and I'm the liver.
You know what I'm saying?
And then it went to another part where somebody's mom, my best friend who I started doing cocaine with, his mom came to me like, I need you to help me.
I need you to go talk to him.
He out his mind.
And I was like trying to encourage her if I could do what he can too.
And I ran to go get him.
And when I ran to go get him, it's like somebody started shooting at me and I came out the trance.
And then when I came to, I opened up Psalm 19 and the Bible started telling me about how God is my rock and my refuge and my strength and my source.
And from that day forward, I've been on a journey.
You know what I'm saying?
It's like I knew that God had a calling on my life.
And that's just the initiation.
It's just how God started.
He showed me he was real.
I prayed that.
But, you know, it's been over a series of events in my life that brought me closer and closer to God.
You know what I'm saying?
Like it's been a series of things.
But that's the main thing right there that I can say.
That turned me on to my journey, you know.
So that's a that's a powerful testimony, bro.
And watch this.
Number one, thank God for praying mothers, bro.
Thank God for praying moms, bro.
You know, for mom giving you giving you that game, putting you on to it and stuff.
And then secondly, bro, I look at it like and while you were sitting there and you were giving your testimony, it hit me, bro.
Like the stuff that you went through, though, it was meant for you to go through that.
You couldn't go back into the streets to bring people out of the streets if you never was in the streets.
So the ministry that you're doing, bro, the testimony, the things that you've been through in your past is so vital and so important because to where as somebody who haven't lived that life, they might not be able to reach people like that, but you can go out and do it, man.
So that's dope, bro.
Powerful testimony, man.
Um, as far as your music, bro, um, like when did you find out that you had the gift of, um, you know, doing music and how did that come about?
Like, who are some of the people that influenced you and how did you get into it?
Well, music, uh, in the beginning, man, you know what I'm saying?
Before I gave my life to the Lord, you know, it was, I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, you know, it was the high boys, you know, young B, uh, you know, and I, and I liked the East coast, you know what I'm saying?
I was really into the East coast cause I was into the,
the word play and, you know, back when we grew up, you had to know how to speak.
You had to talk about something.
You had to ask for content.
Nah, you know, Jay-Z, that type of stuff.
So I started playing with it when I was like 14, just writing little raps here and there.
And then people started hearing me rapping and they're like, man, you got a little something.
Started going to the studio.
Shout out to Greg Duke's studio in Baton Rouge, my first studio.
And I started recording.
But here come my mama.
She always got to have a vision and a word from the Lord.
Man, I come home, I have raps.
You know, that gangster stuff.
You know, talking crazy on the lyrics.
My mama came and pulled anointing all on my lyrics.
Anointing everywhere.
She was like, I'm claiming this music in the name for Jesus.
You're going to do this for Jesus.
And then I used to be like, I used to come and tell her, because I had an opportunity to rap with
You know, see Murda done a song with one of his producers.
And, you know, I had opportunities to open up for me, you know.
And I was like, man, we supposed to be going to the studio today.
And she'll be like, well, let me tell you something.
That ain't what God called you to do.
You're going to sign your life over to the devil.
And matter of fact, she'll tell me, God told me about this particular day that you're supposed to be going to the studio.
She started scaring me because she used to tell me, like, she used to give the word of knowledge.
From the Lord.
So she's always telling me this is what I'm going to do for the Lord.
And God always stopped them opportunities like it would never flourish.
Like I just couldn't take off doing it.
And man, I never forget.
So I didn't get to this part of the story, but like I said, I had to go and give me some treatment.
But this time where I really got my help from was a place called Teen Challenge.
It was like a Christian place.
Christian Rehab Center, but it was more like a boot camp discipleship ministry.
So I go in there, I just kind of on the Christian route.
I was listening to Great Tree Records back then.
I don't know if y'all remember Great Tree Records.
Man, of course, Lil Rascal.
Yeah, of course.
Man, when I first started hearing that, that's what really impacted my life.
You know what I'm saying?
On the Christian side, you know what I'm saying?
When it come to music, because I'm like, for these dudes like me,
They could relate to the streets.
They talking their talk, but they talking about Jesus.
And then they was able to articulate the gospel in a way I could understand.
I couldn't understand Kirk Franklin.
Couldn't understand Shirley Caesar.
Now, when God opened my heart and saved me and I became born again, I was able to go back and reflect on that stuff.
And I knew what they was talking about.
BBSCC Winers and Donovan Clark and what I didn't understand before that.
But I went into this place.
I bought my Grave Tree Records tapes.
And I'm listening.
But it was, you know, some people in there that didn't come from where I came from.
And they listen to country rock and country Christian music and rock Christian music, which I was cool with all of it.
I felt like God created it all.
But this man told me that's what a devil took my tape because up in this place, we had to stay for a year.
So we had to go by their rules.
You know what I'm saying?
We had to die to ourself and everything we wanted to do in order to get rooted and grounded in the word.
But he told me that, bro, and I went.
After he told me that, I was crushed.
I went and laid on my bed and I cried.
Like, this really happened.
Like, God, you know this is the only thing that's touched my heart.
How can he say it's the devil?
I'm just crying out.
And I heard a whisper just tell me, just cheer up and be encouraged because I'm going to use you.
And later on, you're going to understand.
I'm going to use you with this type of music later on in your life.
I'm going to use you with Christian rap.
It's like immediately, like my tears dried up and God comforted me and showed me like all through my life, I just knew that God was going to deliver me even when I backslid and went through and God was going to use me with Christian route.
You know what I mean?
Whether that be touching five people alive and they hear my lyrics and they get saved, five people become citizens of the kingdom or platform, whatever, whatever that may be.
I don't do it for the platform.
I'm just doing it because I know it's the will of God for my life.
And I know that this is what he called me to do to do.
And I have something that he put inside of me.
And I can't go to God when I die and be like, oh, he asked me, what did you do with the ability that you had to rap and win souls?
And I tell him, oh, well, I wasn't good enough.
Or I wasn't on the same platform as Lecrae.
You know what I'm saying?
This, that, and the other.
He ain't going to ask me that.
Just like he asked.
I think it was one of the disciples, when they was about to feed the multitude, he was like, what do you have to offer?
He was like, Lord, we don't have this, we don't have that.
He said, no, what do you have?
And they offered what he had to Jesus, and Jesus multiplied it.
And that's how I feel with my lyrics, you know, and my music.
I offer it to the Lord, and he's going to multiply it in his way.
So I hope I answered that.
Oh, yeah, man.
That's a great answer, man.
Boy, you took it back to Grape Tree.
Oh, man.
Them guys there, man.
That was a force back in the day, man.
That's actually how I heard about gospel hip hop through Grape Tree.
I was listening to, let's see, it was Prime Minister, Lil Rascal.
I think Antonius was on that label.
And that's how I got introduced to it.
Then it branched out to our gospel gangsters, man.
Start listening to them.
Then I heard about the cross movement, Lecrae, you know?
So yeah, bro.
Dope, man.
So I heard you mentioned lyricism.
So let me hit you with this one, right?
Give me, um, and put a little thought into it, but give me your top five artists, whether it be dead alive, whether it's CHH or, you know, secular, give me your top five artists.
That you rock with.
Now, your list.
It don't have to be anybody else's list.
Give me your list.
Give me your top five.
And that could be anybody, like CHH?
CHH, whoever, dead or alive.
CHH, secular, whatever.
Give me your top five.
All right.
Well, I'm going to implement some secular because that played a role in the path I chose when I jumped over to the Christian route.
But I got to say pop.
you know okay pop my my brother mr church don't like that one all right go ahead pop go ahead he said what he felt you know what i mean he he stood on it you know what i mean you know he was he was he he was talking about something you know what i mean he made you feel him uh whether they lined up with god or not he made you feel him but um uh let me see i gotta say ah man uh
I love Lecrae.
I love Lecrae.
Lecrae dope.
I like, I want to say my top five.
I was about to say Ambassador, but I like him too.
Love him too.
Ambassador tough.
He tough.
I said Ambassador tough.
That's a good list, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, man.
trip triply i like triply okay trip nice with it uh-huh oh nice when they come down to the to the to the speaking you know what i'm saying the lyrical ability you know oh and who else man that's the fifth one
round out that fifth one it's a tough one bro because i i'm the type of guy like a lot of people bro like i'm i got you like real versatile bro i got you yeah i'm stuck on the other one i say that about an ambassador right yeah you said they were pivotal they was pivotal with where i went you know what i'm saying as far as like the path that i chose with the music you know what i'm saying
Right, right.
I got to say Jada too.
Jada is nice too.
Yeah, Jada a monster.
Jada a monster.
He don't get enough credit, man.
He don't get enough credit.
He nice with it.
All right.
So, man, that's a solid list, man.
That's a solid list.
So, okay.
I'm going to think about something else.
I'm going to be like, oh, man, I should have said that.
So, look, as far as your creative process,
Man, when God got you doing your thing, when it's time for 180 Slim to do music, how do you get off into it?
Walk us through your process.
I know some artists look for the track first.
Some artists like to write first.
What's your creative process like?
Man, it could be either or.
It's no set structure, no set weight.
Sometimes I might cut hair like I'm a barber.
Most of the time, my lyrics come to me when I'm working.
When God speaks to me, I'm working with my hands.
And I might get the lyrics, and then I might go and find a beat for it or whatever, and then I just put it together like that.
Or sometimes I might just hear a track, you know?
And when I hear the track, I hear the harmony.
And then I write it just like that, and it flow out like that.
But first and foremost, I pray.
When I'm down, I feel inspired.
Like, I make sure I ask God every time.
lord don't let the no matter how smooth or how sweet i think it sound let me say exactly what you want me to say and and let this let this come out you know with the anointing with the power of god behind it and um scripture is is one of the main things like i you know god has blessed me over the years to like you know through life struggles and stuff like that i grabbed this scripture that scripture put it in my heart throwing up scripture in my heart so
I ask God for the ability to be able to put those scriptures in my lyrics in a way that, like in a parable way, you know, like how Jesus did, where people could understand.
They not understanding they getting hit with scripture, but then later on they found out, man, that dude just hit me with scripture.
I didn't realize it.
You know, that's how it be, man.
All right.
That's what's up, man.
Well, look, I'm going to go ahead and let Orlando get some of the questions before he decides to kick me off the podcast.
You know, I don't want to see him greeting and everything, take all the interviews, so I'm going to let him get a little bit, too.
It's all good, man.
Just want to give a shout out to everybody that's in the comments, man.
I hope y'all are enjoying it so far.
Like I said, this is going to be a crazy interview.
Crazy as in good, man, because the brother of 180 Slim has been through a lot.
If you want to follow him, you can go to his YouTube page.
He has a lot going on on his YouTube page, a lot of different videos.
He has a brand new album that just dropped.
Walking Testimony is out now by 180 Slim.
So make sure y'all go and check him out, man.
Check out his music.
I'm telling you, you're not going to be disappointed.
Let's go ahead and jump into some of your music right now.
We're actually going to go into Play Church.
The first joint, like I said, that I really got caught wind of you.
So let the folks know about Play Church.
Oh, man, Play Church, that's one of the ones, man.
I love this song because it was my first song with my brother, Sick of Sin.
And I've been knowing Sick of Sin way before the other side when we was in the world.
And we talked about doing music on that side, but it never happened.
So for us to do it on this side,
That was one of the ones, bro.
And, you know, it just basically goes with it.
Ain't no playing no church.
Like, you know, people hear that you go to church and they come up with this preconceived idea about what that is.
Like, oh, you're a church boy.
You know, all that stuff that come with that.
Just letting it be known, man, we not playing.
Like, this real, this every day, this 24-7.
This ain't just on Sunday or Wednesday, whenever you go.
know what i'm saying wake up we wake up on jesus and we go to sleep with jesus all through the day is jesus you know yeah come on all right so ladies and gentlemen once again once again this is let's talk gospel right here on mental impact radio we're sitting down with the brother 180 slim let's check out this track here play church man make sure y'all go out there and run those numbers
You ever had the Holy Spirit touch ya?
And you go to flush and dope down the toilet and start praying?
You ever had the Holy Spirit touch ya?
And then you realize the devil won't show top and he ain't praying.
That's why I'm saying.
Won't pay no trips to daddy.
Won't pay no trips to daddy.
I don't pay no trips to daddy.
Won't pay no trips to daddy.
Life ahead.
Bring me lower than a turtle.
Just know when I get murdered, I had that black cloud over me.
Then Christ certified me like he took me to the notary.
Got a hold of me.
I'm talking spirit, soul, body, and brain.
And I don't care how pretty she is.
I ain't trying to bang.
Nonetheless, I got that ring.
And when I put that on her finger, and we make that vow before the Lord, I
I do that for the kingdom, same tale I'ma represent them well, 180 So many so-called Christians be shading I ain't saying that I'm perfect, but I'm working to be like them The route to beholding that perfect God is frightening Like until the lightning striking But you can't comprehend it unless you've been enlightened And you can't get in heaven unless you've been invited I love it and I like it, it's exciting on this side I look them in the eye, tell them people give a what?
You ever hear the Holy Spirit touch ya?
And you go to flesh and dope down the toilet
If you ever had the Holy Spirit touch ya And then you realize the devil won't choke top and he ain't playing That's why I'm saying Won't pay no trips to daddy Won't pay no trips to daddy Won't pay no trips to daddy
It's real living.
Heard that holy pressure.
Yeah, I'm still with it.
Nothing but a blessing that I'm still in it.
Deal with it.
God already dealt with me.
Turned in my player card.
My wife already fell for me.
You can hold that L for me.
It make no sense to slam to me when you can say a prayer for me.
One thing I won't forget is everybody that was there for me.
The old me, dead and gone, and no way he compared to me.
Prepare to be a brand new man in Christ if you get paired with me.
The Holy Ghost control me like a joystick.
He tell me where to go and what to say.
I listen to heavenly voices.
and for god it's no facade i want my portion i'm trying to keep my peace that's why i'm weeding out the poison we don't play no church look at it real trench work look at it meet you where you at we in the streets where they hurting badly i've been in the game when i mention his name it's amazing his work's just lavish i sit back and i think of his grace and i serve him gladly you ever had the holy spirit touch you and you go to flushing dope down the toilet and throw it
Okay, here it is.
Boy, you acted a whole donkey on that thing.
A whole donkey.
Yeah, yeah.
I ain't saying that I'm perfect, but I'm working to be righteous.
That's it.
Playing church with dad.
I like that, bro.
That's dope.
Like that.
Yeah, yeah.
Amen, amen.
That joint, boy, I'm telling you, when I first heard that, I was like, what?
Like, oh, man.
Yeah, yeah.
I still see it, man.
I go crazy.
So, Slim, one thing that I didn't ask you a while ago, bro, and please, explain the name, bro.
How did you get the name 180 Slim?
Yo, so, you know, a lot of people used to call me Slim, you know,
back in the day or whatever.
But when I crossed over and people started recognizing the change, you know, I'd be like, man, you done a whole 180, huh?
You know, like a total opposite to what I, you know, and you know, the Bible say, let another man just praise you and not your own.
So I heard that so much.
Like, man, 180, I put the 180 on y'all and shoot, 180 slim, you know?
And 180 to me,
Means repentance, you know, I mean, you know, as Christians, we got to live a lifestyle of repentance and repentance is just not initially just when you when you when you say, but that's that got to become a lifestyle.
You know what I'm saying?
Every day you wake up, you know what I mean?
You got to turn to God to turn away from your sin.
When God, you know, as you pursue a righteousness, you got to be ready to give it up, turn away from sin and turn to Christ.
It's the daily thing.
So I'm on my 180 every day.
When I say I'm on my 180, that's what I mean.
That's what's up.
Now, you say that you're a barber.
You're a barber and you cut hair and things of that nature.
Do you ever look at the situation with you cutting hair as an artistic thing that goes along with your gifts with CHH or your gifts with music?
Do you ever put the two together?
Say that question one more time.
I'm sorry.
My daughter just came home.
With you being a barber and the talents that barbers have to cut hair, different things of that nature, do you ever put the two talents together and say, man, okay, maybe my barbering skills came from my artistic skills of being a musician?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like, yeah, um,
I think so.
I think so.
And you're talking about like, as far as like using my platform for ministry, is that what you're trying to say?
Well, not so much the platform for ministry, just saying that, you know, with you, with a lot of barbers that you, they're,
that I've seen a lot of barbers are great at art.
You know, they have like an artistic side of their brain that they're, you know, real good at different artistic things.
So do you think you being a barber had anything to do with your musical ability playing over to your ability to be able to cut hair and things of that nature?
Yes, I think so.
I most definitely do.
um i think god gave me the ability to be creative you know what i'm saying and uh oh i watched my my grandfather cut hair a lot you know what i'm saying and i wanted to be just like him you know what i'm saying and uh and uh so i think from from that you know um i got that gift from him to be creative you know what i'm saying because i watch him do some crazy cuts you know what i mean so uh yeah and i think it definitely has crossed over into my in my music as well you know for sure
So do you have any children?
Hold on one second.
Hold on one second.
Hold on one second.
yeah so ladies and gentlemen once again once again this is uh let's talk gospel right here on mental impact radio we're sitting down with 180 slim we just got through looking at his video you know uh play church bro fire featuring yes yes are you good bro you good all right all right family comes first man you gotta take care of the family
Got to take care of my family.
But, look, I'm a working man, you know what I'm saying, at the same time.
I'm very close with my daughters, too.
So, you know what I mean?
It's 24-7 with me, bro.
You know, with the walk and, you know, just trying to walk this thing out, bro.
It don't stop, for real.
It don't stop.
So, what are some of the things that, you know, what are some of the things that you do to make sure that you stay on your path and don't veer off to where you started from?
Remembering where I came from.
Like, I'm always constantly, instead of like, you know how people watch the, like, I don't watch the news because it's depressing and all that type of stuff.
Well, I use that as fuel.
Like, when I see certain things happen, I always, you know, turn to a heart of gratitude.
Like, man, that could have been me.
Like, you know, somebody getting killed or somebody overdosing on drugs.
I hate that it happened, but like, I'm like, man, that could have been me.
That was me.
And I always, in turn, look to God and just thank you.
And I never forget the pain that I had to go through, the tears that my mother cried, you know, the ears locked up.
You know what I'm saying?
And watching my daughter come visit me behind glass and she running around in circles crying because she can't get to me.
You know what I'm saying?
And, you know, just all of that, man, I just never forget.
i pray and i always ask god to let me keep a heart of gratitude but also to to let me stay with a healthy fear of him you know because i had some near-death experiences but there's one experience that the last one that i had just rocked my world and god really made me realize you can die and not only that but you could die and be separated from me for eternity hell
Forget the flames.
You could be separated from me forever.
I was the only good thing that you ever experienced in this life.
Whether you got high on drugs and it felt good, that wasn't nothing because look where you always ended up.
I'm the only good thing that's going on in this world right now.
The Holy Spirit is the only good thing this earth got going on.
He's still here.
The Lord's still working.
He just made me realize that I can't play.
I can't play no church.
I ain't playing no church with my dad.
You know what I mean?
So that's what it is.
So, man, I know with and by your profession, it made me think about, you know, the barbershops that I've been in, man, like barbershop.
That's like the cornerstone of the community.
And there'd be some interesting conversations going on.
So I'm sure you've had plenty of conversations with your guests.
Like, does it ever go there to where you're actually cutting hair and you're able to encourage someone that's in your shop?
Oh, man, yes, indeed, all the time.
Man, look, when I first started cutting hair, like, when I first started, but this rip, like, around after I, you know, totally surrendered this time around, I knew that God was going to use that barber chair for my ministry.
Like, I know that.
But a shadow of a doubt, that's like my pulpit, you know.
And so I always pray for those opportunities.
I always pray to God, give me wisdom.
Because sometimes you can't argue with a fool.
The Bible says you argue with a fool, you'll become just like him.
But the Bible also says answer a fool.
You know what I'm saying?
Sometimes according to his father.
So you got to have that fine line.
Know when to say something and know when not to.
And so when it does, I'm on it.
But most of the time, man, take my number.
You know, I'm low with it.
You know what I'm saying?
I ain't trying to shine on you, trying to let people know that I'm ministering to you or
letting people know you got something going on, what you just told me, man, hit me up.
Call me, bro.
Like I really, you know, you know what I'm saying?
Get personal.
It's more than just clients for me.
Like I look at all my people, like, like, you know, opportunities to minister the love of Christ to somebody.
You know what I'm saying?
I look at them like, bro, you know, like these are God's people.
Like they made in his image.
They're not just clients.
You know what I mean?
and i pray for that i pray for that too you know so that's dope yeah that's the same way that me and my partner look at it when we um going into uh people's houses to clean because we have a cleaning company so we look at it the same way we don't look at them as you know just regular clients or whatever look at it that you know god
Brought us, you know, through into your home for a reason.
You know, there's a reason why we're here.
There's a reason why we're, you know, coming to you and cleaning your particular home, you know, every day or whatever, or whenever we do.
So, uh, definitely, I feel you on that, man, because.
Each person that comes to you and sits down in your chair, regardless, even if there's nothing that they need to talk about, they're being blessed by just being in your presence, being in your area, if they know it or not.
You know what I'm saying?
So they're safe with you.
They're definitely safe with you.
It just all depends on how you take it, how you look at it.
they just look at their jobs as this is just my job you know i go to work do what i gotta do go home okay it's the next day but yeah the person that looks at their job as more than that and as an opportunity to flourish to really make it bigger than what it was supposed to be those are the ones that really move forward and do something
It's just so amazing on how you can look at different things and take things in your life.
Let's jump into some more music, man, before we let the time go by.
Let's jump into Walking Testimony.
That's the title track to your album and everything.
Let the folks know about Walking Testimony.
Oh, man.
Walking Testimony is like
it, it, it caused me to be very emotional when I first saw the video put together and the way that I had it in my head, I knew it would be like that because that's what it is, man.
I'm a living walking testimony to show people no matter how far away you get from God or how low you get, you know, there's, you can't get low enough for God to pick you up.
You know, he says, hi, but he looks low.
And, um, this just like, I kind of like mentioned, uh,
talked about how god delivered me from addiction and cancer you know one time i was diagnosed with cancer and just the mental the the mental problems that i used to uh endure i put a video up uh my my mom took a picture of me and i was in my maze so that's on y'all very vulnerable it's a very vulnerable video so uh man it's just about how god just restored me you know and and this one this is a song that i really really really love this is my
There actually is my favorite one on the app.
All right.
Hey, man.
So let's jump into that walking testimony off of the project walking testimony, which is out now on all digital outlets.
Make sure y'all go out there and run those numbers up, man.
Buy a couple of copies.
Buy one for yourself and one for a friend.
You know somebody can use it.
You about to get shot?
Somebody get me shot.
Scotty, see you got this one.
I'm going to tell you.
I'm going to test him on you.
Got on the whole armor, but it conformed.
Don't mean to alarm you, just warn you and join you.
To a flock that's well protected.
We seen in some sheets, but the shepherd created heaven and the earth too.
He got something to do with your birth too.
And he got the power to heal what hurt you.
Don't wanna deny him.
All of that grinding ain't gonna save you on judgment day.
Dog, I'm just trying to turn up the volume.
I got the victory.
I'ma tell it.
I'ma walk in testimony, y'all.
You talking about walking testimony?
Let me run it.
Just so you can know, in the obstacle, you can overcome it.
Like a dog digging up vomit, I went back to the streets.
After feeling God's love, turn my back on his peace.
Slap with a five-piece.
They sit me up in front.
a kid, yeah he fought me out, he really fought me out, hallelujah, it won't succeed, I got the victory, I'ma tell my story, I'ma walk in testimony y'all, look, there's so much evil in this world, so many demons in this world, don't believe them in this world, but we need Jesus in this world, so you'll be leaving out this world, tell me where you gon'
So it's time to lift your eyes up.
The fear of God is wisdom.
So it's time for us to rise up.
Rise up, not look.
You got hit with a blessing.
Got hit with that chopper, but still alive.
Change your direction.
On the next one, just might be the one to take you out.
You got life up in your body.
Well, it's time to make it count.
A lot of likes on social media.
You in the chasing cloud.
But you chasing waterfalls.
Better take a safer route.
Shake the devil off.
Cause he don't play fair.
He trying to spank something.
Selling whoop tickets, trying to prank something.
But I'm off the plate jumping.
Diving, baptized in the living waters.
Never again will I deny my
The enemy, it won't succeed.
The victory, yeah, I'ma tell it.
A walking testimonial.
another one i love that right there boy goodness nice bro absolutely yes yes yes that joint is really man man man man hallelujah yes yes yes testimony walking testimony brand new joy from 180 slim yeah
Hallelujah, man.
God brought me out, man.
It's just amazing for me to be even here talking to y'all about this, man.
I get emotional all the time just thinking about it, bro.
I ain't supposed to be here.
But I'm supposed to be here because it was ordained by God.
If any man did it how he wanted to do it, I wouldn't be here right now.
So I got to rip him hard, you know.
got to exactly exactly so bro for the for the people that's listening in man and let's let's talk about the new project what can they expect when they pick up the new 180 slim project what can they expect from it there's some wrongness you know authentic it's it's real authentic i'm seeing some stuff that some people probably wonder why i'm saying they wouldn't say uh um
It's versatile.
You know what I'm saying?
I feel like I've got something on there for everybody.
All different styles.
And yeah, that's just it, man.
Just very authentic, man.
That's what it is.
Man, my soul, man.
Just letting you know this is what it is.
This is where I was.
This is where he brought me out.
Where he brought me to, you know.
Mental illness.
Cancer diagnosis.
You know, addiction.
Come on.
all of that backsliding you know because i feel like you know my message also is to those that are basically man you could come home forgive yourself god forgive you jesus forgive you come home so i try to put it in my music you know all of that amen bro
Brother, we're going to start to wrap it up, man, but I want you to give a word of encouragement out there.
I know you just let folks know that God forgives, and that is so true.
I mean, because the thing about it is we forget a lot of times that as soon as we repent for our sins and we're earnest about it and we're not going back to our sins, God isn't holding that over us anymore.
We're the ones that is holding it over us.
We're the ones that make ourselves feel like we're not worthy.
That's not him.
That's him downstairs that's doing it.
You know what I'm saying?
We need to remember God isn't sitting there taking a tally.
Oh, you messed up again.
Oh, you did this again.
That's us doing that.
So give a word of encouragement to the folks out there, man, that need to hear it, that may feel like that they're not worthy of God's love.
Man, one thing I want to say is Satan is a liar.
The devil is a liar.
Don't believe him.
You know what I mean?
Getting that word, find out what the truth is and what God say.
You know, the word say there's no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
You feel condemned, you need to hide in Jesus.
Like I said, God showed me in that vision.
He was my rock.
He was my rock, meaning that he was letting me know I'm your source of strength.
I'm your safety.
And I let you know that God is your rock too.
You can run to him.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower there.
The righteous run to him and they are safe.
That means you're safe from the wrath to come, safe from the enemy and all the lies that he's putting in your head.
You know what I'm saying?
You can refute that by learning the truth.
You don't want to know what a counterfeit dollar bill is because you know what a real dollar bill looks like.
You know what I mean?
And I also want to say, not only forgive yourself, but forgive others.
I felt like I had hurt in my life.
A lot of people
hurt me, but it wasn't so bad after I realized how much I hurt Jesus, how much I sinned against the Father.
And if he can forgive me, then I need to forgive others.
You know what I mean?
Because I need that forgiveness every day.
You know what I'm saying?
And if you don't forgive, then Satan can hold you in the palm of his hand.
That's when he got mastery over you.
That's when he's working his tricks over you.
But the moment you forgive and let go, that's when you can grow.
You know what I'm saying?
Bitterness, it causes sickness.
You know what I'm saying?
So, and don't run from the Lord.
Run to the Lord.
Man, he loves you.
Think about the prodigal son story.
If you never read it, Luke 15, I advise you to read it.
You know, like I said, come on.
He's married to the backslide.
And you can be saved and delivered from anything.
All you got to do is just put your faith and trust in Jesus.
You got to
Got you.
Amen, bro.
All right, Birdie, want to jump in there, brother?
Yeah, man, man.
Slim, dope interview, bro.
Dope interview, man.
I just want to say, man, thank you for you answering the calling that God put on your life, man.
For you taking that gift that he gave you and using it to, you know, really to bless people, man, because it's needed.
what you do you know what i did the whole chh thing man is needed bro like music is a powerful thing and um to take it back for what satan thought was his to be able to go out there man and reach people man you might be like the first bible that somebody get
So you're getting them good music.
You're getting them good scripture, bro.
Salute to you, man.
I pray that God blesses you, that he blesses the new project, bro, and everything that you touch, man.
Thank you for joining us, bro.
Appreciate you, man.
And thank y'all for having me on, bro.
I love it.
I love it.
Appreciate y'all.
My pleasure.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's going to be a wrap for us, man.
Y'all have a blessed, blessed weekend.
Meet us Monday where we have our brother Chris Coleman is going to be on the show Monday night with his single, with his first single.
As a matter of fact, the single came out today.
Y'all go run that up.
It's a beautiful song.
It has Miss Oriana Coleman on it, his wife.
She's on that thing giving some spoken words.
Y'all go check that out, man.
It's actually out now, but we'll be highlighting the single coming Monday.
While we're saying it, definitely go out and get that 180 Slim.
Y'all heard some of the man music.
Y'all go run that 180 Slim up.
In Jesus' name, God bless y'all.
Amen, amen.
All right, so we'll see y'all Monday, man.
We may see y'all Saturday.
I don't know if we're still doing the video show or not, but check us out.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
We are gathered here today The Lord has made a way to bring the bride to the airways Blessings to Orlando Page Broadcasting the truth, a little bit of scripture And some testimony to the remnant rising Shout out to the chosen few, what it do Holy Spirit bless those who seek and follow you Interview to interview, spiritual seeds are planted Let us not lean on our own understanding You are now tuned in to


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