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As we have now entered into 2024, many of us have taken upon the turn of reaping after an entire year of plowing & harvesting the field. The Bible tells us in Galations 6:9 NKJV, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." 


Understand & recognize the seeds that you have sown. Even though the aforementioned scripture speaks of "doing good", there are times when bad seeds are sown or bad soil is present. It is imperative that we know the seeds we have sown as well as the soil we've sown into. It's not too late to nurture those seeds. It's not too late to manage that soil. Do not enter 2024 without knowing what you will be reaping. Revisit the garden & prepare to reap! Blessings!

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Octavian Lowe
Published on Jan 6, 2024
As we have now entered 2024, allow what 2023 taught you to now yield the results of your growth & learning this year. The fruit of your 2023 labor shall now bring forth a harvest not just for you but also for your connections & family. Be blessed & prepare!


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